Blooming Flowers Farm

Where community and compassion bloom

A unique take on an old concept. This “farm” is a residential home for adults with special needs; offering them the opportunity to help harvest crops, water plants, and find purpose despite whatever physical limitations they face. The urban farm, creates a safe space to build community, and host family-friendly social events, allowing for residents to interact outside the home atmosphere and immerse themselves in a fun and supportive life.


Blooming Flowers Farm

This Chicago-based organization reached out at the perfect time in their journey. Everything was being put into motion and they were ready to take this idea to the next level and start executing a brand. We landed on a very unique strategy utilizing a primary and secondary logo. A branding tactic that allows them to grow to more states and still rep. their hometown with pride. The largest challenge was incorporating the idea of “handicapped” without making it the main focus. The client felt it was important to include this in the icon since the name doesn’t allude to a home for disabled adults.

Provided services:

• Brand strategy

• Logo design

Primary Logo - captures the partnership between those with special needs and the community on this urban farm

Secondary Logo - used for merchandise and local Chicago events