HIS Breast Cancer Awareness

Men have breast too.

2020, When the client first reached out to me, they were looking for some nice versatile graphics to use across social media and blogs. I couldn’t stop there.

My mission was to create a more cohesive visual identity among their assets, and also make the visual presence more masculine and diverse.

2022, After 12 years of service, the organization was ready to take their brand to the next level.

HIS Breast Cancer Awareness

I saw a great opportunity here that was being missed. HIS Breast Cancer Awareness’ mission statement is “Offering Insight, Education and Support on Male Breast Cancer and Hereditary Cancers”. But where was all the talk about hereditary cancers? After talking with Vicki and Harvey (Co-founders), it was apparent that their mission expanded far beyond just male breast cancer. We wanted to reach men and their families at every stage of the hereditary cancer process as well as making the detection and prevention of cancer a family matter so that relatives are talking to one another and checking in with one another to keep each other healthy. While breast cancer is still the main focus -as it’s the least talked about- by expanding the branding to embrace awareness of all hereditary cancers, this opened the conversation more about the risks of breast cancer in men.

Provided services:

• Brand strategy

• Logo design

• Promotional material

• Merchandise design

• Social media strategy