The Cookstove Project®

Serving up new branding

The Cookstove Project asked for help on a flyer, I was inspired to give them so much more than that. Before a new flyer, I presented a new logo to the board, just because I was so inspired by their mission and wanted to bring them more brand recognition. They fell head over heals for it! I was so happy for the opportunity to give this great organization a fresh new look to their incredible cause.

The Cookstove Project®

The previous logo was bulky, black and white, and could not be identified just from the icon, the word mark and icon were a set pair making responsive design and spacing an issues for the brand. Another potentially overlooked detail, was that the visual was misleading, it showed a pot, although their actual product which was a stove. We had several visual goals to best represent Cookstove. We knew the focus had to be on the stove and represent the protection it provides by redirecting deadly smoke and fumes outside homes. We also wanted to incorporate the handmade process of these stoves that makes this organization so unique. We created a responsive design where the icon could stand alone and be easily recognized. And lastly, used typography and color to propel this organization into a modern new chapter. By using a strong, study serif font with the stove and an organic, handwritten cursive font we found a nice balance to represent the nature, strength, and community; all pillars that are very important to the group.

Provided services:

• Brand strategy

• Logo design

• Promotional material

• Annual newsletters